Prev| Next| Index [24 Hours of Demomacry] 24 Hours of Demomacry! What Freedom Means to Us Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, it's easy to take [cute girl skating] a lot of things for granted: great scenery, wonderful places to skate, a strong economy, silicon valley and multimedia gulch, friends and neighbors from diverse backgrounds, great food, a rich arts scene, freedom. Is it a coincidence that America's best-loved city, and one of America's most prosperous and innovative areas is also one of America's most liberal and tolerant? Not likely. A quick review of history shows that prosperity and freedom are partners. It's not surprising that the Bay Area is also one of the major stops on the Internet. A significant percentage of Internet traffic originates or terminates in the Bay Area. We have a big stake in its success and its freedom. Now our Congress, abetted by our President, wants to take another piece of that freedom away. They want to let standards set by others decide what we can read and see and hear. "Indecent" is how they term it. What is "indecent?" "Indecent" is anything "they" don't want you and me to read or see or hear. Want to research Mark Twain? There's lots of folk who think Huckleberry Finn is "indecent." Want to see an Edward Weston photo? Oh, oh, she's nude, can't have that. And isn't that a Mapplethorpe photo? Want to hear cut from a rap song? Not if they use the F-word or the N-word. Maybe we can discuss a hot political topic like abortion. Try again, that's specifically prohibited. Who knows what "they" are going to consider indecent? Will Suck be considered indecent in Smallburg? Will some prosecutor in Georgia looking to make a name go after The Well? Who can afford to push the limits and be made "an example?" This law will do nothing but clog our courts, put money in lawyers' pockets, and put good people into bankruptcy, jail, or both. What can we do? The fact that you are reading this is a start. The next step is to raise a ruckus. E-mail or write the President, your two senators and your representative. I truly believe that most of those who voted for the telecom bill disliked this provision. But with the government shutdown/gridlock, Congress and Clinton felt they had to do something positive. So they passed the Telcom Bill. I work in the telecom industry, and, in general, think the bill is good. But now we have to fix the bad things that rode along with the good. We have to keep after them until they fix it. So let's get to work! Don't take freedom for granted. [Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image] Please send comments on this Web Site to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image] Visit the Get Rolling Inline Skating Web Site. All content accessed through the Get Rolling Web Site is copyright © by Pix & Points Publishing. The Get Rolling name is a registered trademark ® of Pix & Points Publishing.